As your small business consultant, we listen hard to you and your staff as you lay out the challenges of growing your business, or the problems caused by changing markets. Then we create a problem statement: What exactly are the issues facing your company?
We ask a lot of them, especially in the beginning. We do this because getting the problem statement right means we all work to solve the correct problem. This goes a long way toward making everyone happy.
This can include your product or service, your market position, your operations and finances. We do this to help you understand what’s really going on.
We like to do this. Your staff often have important insights into issues and potential solutions. We round them up and see if we can’t use them as the raw material for a solution.
As your small business consultant, we look at what other technologies are available and what firms in other markets are doing in the face of similar challenges. It can also include analysis of competitors and potential market entrants.
We have a great deal of business experience. When combined with the above, this experience goes a long way toward helping craft the right solution to the unique set of issues you face.
We are practical people and pride ourselves in developing solutions that can be implemented in stages to minimize the impact on your organization. We can also help with implementation as needed.
We do. We like to solve problems, we’re good at doing so, and we pledge to keep the costs to do so as low as humanly possible.
Let’s be blunt: we’d rather help solve problems than write reports. But reports are good discipline. They document goals and intermediary steps to focus people and make sure all are in agreement before moving forward. But please don’t ask us to write a report for a problem that isn’t going to get solved. That just makes us sad.